Welcome to My Story with Multiple Sclerosis

It's time. This year I am turning 40 and I realize that I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 20 years. Half of my life has been with this disease. The Lord has prompted me that it is time to share my story. My story will include the initial symptoms that I felt early in my twenties, the endless journey to the diagnosis and the exacerbations along the way. The best parts of my journey include the lessons I have learned from my loving husband and amazing children. The unbelievable support from my mother, no matter what. My friendships that went to a whole new level of depth, when they discovered I was dealing with a chronic disease. Finally, the purpose my Lord and Savior has shown me through my greatest challenges.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grass Withers and Flowers Fade....

"The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

Temporary. This is all temporary. Oh, my that helps! I was driving with Madeline, when like it seems all my children have done, they ask the tough questions while I am in the car driving. We began to talk about what heaven is and what it'll be like. We talked about how beautiful heaven will be. How we will all be together with God. Suddenly, it dawned on me that we will have new and perfect bodies. I said,"Madeline, do you realize that when Mommy gets to heaven that she won't have MS anymore?" "Are you serious?" she asked. Then the significance of it hit me ---- I won't have MS anymore. I won't feel the daily chronic pain anymore. I not only teared up, but actually began to sob. Lord this is only temporary.

The grass withers and the flowers fade..... Lord, the challenges of this life are just a moment in Your time. You are the God that was and is and will always be. Just a moment.... then it'll be over. You mean I'll be able to shed this body? This body, that has turned against me so many times. This body that has taken dreams away? This body that won't be controlled? Yes, Lord.... I want to meet you in your Heavens. I want to be the creature that you created in your perfect nature. I am but a blade of grass, but a petal on a flower. But You Lord, are forever. When I cling to this promise Lord, will you help me endure the pain? Will you be there when the IVs are started and the nurse cannot find my vein? Will you meet me in the middle of the night, when the pain overtakes me? Yes, Lord --- You are there. I have seen you. I have felt you.

There have been times in this journey with MS that I have lost the ability to hear or see anything or anyone around me. Lord, the pain overtakes me. It won't stop. You are there. I feel you. Lord, please remind me that this is only a moment. Remember the day that I was in the hospital shower? I sat on the floor, as the water ran over my body. I was alone and felt such helplessness. The water blended with my tears. What is this for? Lord, does anyone really understand? I was reduced to a mound of flesh and water. Lord, that is what I am,a mound of flesh and water ready to be molded. You haven't left.

The sun always rises the next day. I survive the attack. I make it through the pain. The sun rises. As a flower, I recognize my Lord, my sun and I feel your warmth. I feel myself stretch toward You.

Thank you Lord for the temporary side of our lives, for through these times we see Your glory.
As this body withers and fades, I know that I am closer and closer to uniting with my Lord and shedding this body.

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